Tag Archives: Sickness Absence

Navigating Sickness Absence – Getting It Right!

In this webinar Laura Wright, HR Business Partner at Kingswood Group, discusses the importance of effectively managing sickness absences in the workplace along with guidance on how to get it right.

In this webinar we discussed

We begin the webinar reviewing recent sickness absence statistics and the impact on the economy. We consider how recent economic events have influenced an increase in sickness absence and what employers can do to prevent workplace stress.

We discuss the importance of a robust sickness absence policy and procedure, what should be included and how it should be communicated; How to calculate statutory sick pay and the impact of the proposed Employment Rights Bill 2024/25.

We reviewed the use of sickness absence triggers and whether there was a preference over the Bradford Factor Score or the use of occasions to manage absence. In addition, we discussed how return to work meetings are a simple yet effective tool to manage absence in the first instance.

We explored the impact of the Equality Act when managing sickness absence and the application of reasonable adjustments, as well as when to seek further advice, and closed the webinar with a relevant case law example, demonstrating the impact of not adhering to best practice or following your own policies and procedures when managing sickness absence.

Useful links to information we shared during the webinar

  1. CIPD Health & Wellbeing Report 2023 https://www.cipd.org/globalassets/media/knowledge/knowledge-hub/reports/2023-pdfs/8436-health-and-wellbeing-report-2023.pdf
  2. Office of National Statistics – sickness absence in the UK labour market 2022 https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/labourproductivity/articles/sicknessabsenceinthelabourmarket/2022

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email enquiries@kingswoodgroup.org

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