Category Archives: Webinar Archive

What Workers Want: Insights for 2025 and Beyond

What Workers Want: Insights for 2025 and Beyond

Kingswood Group is excited to partner with New Possible to bring you this insightful webinar exploring the key findings from the “What Workers Want 2025” report. As workplace dynamics evolve, understanding and meeting employee expectations is essential to building thriving, future-ready organisations.
During this session, we’ll dive into the latest trends shaping employee satisfaction, from the demand for flexibility to the growing importance of career growth and workplace culture. Learn how to align your HR strategies with these priorities to attract and retain top talent in 2025 and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • The top drivers of employee satisfaction in 2025.
  • Practical advice to improve engagement and retention.
  • Strategies for future-proofing your workforce in a competitive market.

This webinar is perfect for business leaders, HR professionals, and anyone passionate about creating workplaces where people thrive.

About the Organisers

Kingswood Group, in collaboration with New Possible, combines expertise in HR consultancy with cutting-edge insights into workforce trends. Together, we’re committed to helping businesses succeed by empowering their teams and creating sustainable growth opportunities.


Our upcoming webinars

HR Trends 2025: Adapt, Evolve, Thrive

This webinar dives into the top HR trends for 2025, including how the Employment Rights Bill will impact SMEs, and how to stay competitive by adapting to these changes.

Recruiting and Retaining the Right Talent

This webinar is designed to help you attract top candidates, identify underperformance early, and set employees up for long-term success.

Stop Harassment Before It Starts: A Practical Guide for UK Employers

This webinar will guide you through your responsibilities, offer practical prevention strategies, and help you navigate complaints sensitively and legally.

Men’s Health in the Workplace (for employers)

In this webinar Sue Porter (BSc, MSc, FRSPH) from the Wellbeing Clinic Essex shares insight into Men’s health and highlights risk factors for Men’s health, what signs and symptoms to look for, as well as how to get tested and treated promptly.

In this webinar we discussed

UK Statistics show that men see their GP half as often as women do, which is a concerning reality, especially when considering more than 4 in 10 cancers are preventable.  Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men with more than 30,000 diagnosed each year in the UK. Sue discusses the signs and symptoms in later stages and how a simple blood test can detect prostate cancer early.

Testicular Cancer affects 1 in 250 men, mostly common in men aged between 20 to 34 and is one of the most treatable cancers if caught early. Sue discusses the signs and symptoms and impresses the importance of regular checking, as well as how and when.

In the UK, 1 in 6 men die from heart disease. Sue discusses the risk factors and how men can make small lifestyle changes before experiencing a cardiac event to improve their heart health.

Between age 40-60 testosterone levels in men suddenly drop significantly causing stress, reduced libido or motivation, sometimes weight gain and mental ill health. This male hormone fluctuation is known as ‘andropause’ and can significantly affect men in their day to day lives and in their performance at work. Sue shares more information on diagnosis and treatment.

Sue closes by discussing how men have a completely different hormonal system which can cause them to compartmentalise stress (harder to spot signs) and react more aggressively. Stress can cause constant fatigue and burnout, often with signs manifesting in the workplace. 1 in 8 men have a diagnosed mental health condition and suicide is the biggest cause of death in men under 45, making it a highly important topic to end this highly informative webinar.

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email


Navigating Sickness Absence – Getting It Right!

In this webinar Laura Wright, HR Business Partner at Kingswood Group, discusses the importance of effectively managing sickness absences in the workplace along with guidance on how to get it right.

In this webinar we discussed

We begin the webinar reviewing recent sickness absence statistics and the impact on the economy. We consider how recent economic events have influenced an increase in sickness absence and what employers can do to prevent workplace stress.

We discuss the importance of a robust sickness absence policy and procedure, what should be included and how it should be communicated; How to calculate statutory sick pay and the impact of the proposed Employment Rights Bill 2024/25.

We reviewed the use of sickness absence triggers and whether there was a preference over the Bradford Factor Score or the use of occasions to manage absence. In addition, we discussed how return to work meetings are a simple yet effective tool to manage absence in the first instance.

We explored the impact of the Equality Act when managing sickness absence and the application of reasonable adjustments, as well as when to seek further advice, and closed the webinar with a relevant case law example, demonstrating the impact of not adhering to best practice or following your own policies and procedures when managing sickness absence.

Useful links to information we shared during the webinar

  1. CIPD Health & Wellbeing Report 2023
  2. Office of National Statistics – sickness absence in the UK labour market 2022

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Women’s Health in the Workplace

In this webinar our guest speaker Sue Porter discusses very openly about a few key areas involving women’s health, and why women’s health in the workplace is so important.

In this webinar we discussed

We looked at the statistics surrounding women’s health, 1 in 7 UK females will be diagnosed with breast cancer, there are approximately 7,400 new ovarian cancer cases each year, and this is increasing, more than 4 in 10 cancer cases can be preventable with early detection, 1 in 5 women in the UK have a mental health problem and too much alcohol consumption can increase the risk of female cancers.

We explored the three main female cancers, breast, cervical and ovarian, and the key signs on what to look out for, and what to do if you have a concern. The different types of screening for cancer that is available, and how and where to get the screening. We also discussed two further areas that affect women in the workplace, these areas are the menopause and stress. The menopause can be challenging for some women whilst they are going through the peri menopause and the menopause, and how some of the symptoms and side effects of the menopause can affect a woman and her work.

Life can be busy, and effectively managing a healthy balance of stress at work is so important, if someone is over worked or over stretched, this could result in someone being overburdened and stressed out, and the affect this may have, could potentially have a detrimental impact on their health.

The final part of the webinar was discussing the further supports that are available to help and support women health in the workplace.

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Mental Wellbeing and Resilience in the Workplace

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, mental wellbeing has become significant focus for most businesses. The pressures people experience in the workplace can affect mental ‘wellness’ which can, if not addressed, lead to mental ill-health. View our webinar, “Mental Wellbeing and Resilience in the Workplace,” where Sue Porter, our wellbeing partner, takes a deeper look into mental wellbeing and how evolving greater resilience can support general mental wellness. Discover practical strategies and techniques to effectively identify the difference between mental wellbeing and mental ill-ness, how to build resilience, and what can support the creation of a healthier work-life balance. Taking positive strides towards greater mental wellbeing should be at the top of every organisations agenda especially in today’s world.

In this webinar we discussed

We looked at the statistics surrounding the impact of mental ill-health in the workplace, the means to differentiate between mental wellness and mental ill-health and explore how developing greater resilience can support stronger mental abilities to cope with life’s stresses and strains.

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Techniques to manage stress in the workplace

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many professionals. The pressure to meet deadlines, exceed expectations, and juggle multiple responsibilities can take a toll on our well-being. One hormone that plays a significant role in our stress response is cortisol. View our webinar, “From Burnout to Balance: Taming Cortisol and Conquering Stress in the Modern Workplace,” where we dive into the science behind cortisol and its impact on our mental and physical health. Discover practical strategies and techniques to effectively manage stress, build resilience, and create a healthier work-life balance. Don’t let cortisol call the shots – empower yourself with knowledge and tools to reclaim control over your well-being in the workplace.

In this webinar we discussed

We looked at the statistics surrounding stress in the workplace, the science of stress hormones and the physiological roles they have in terms of our ability to function, our mood, feelings, motivation, performance and energy levels. We looked at how these affect team working, blood glucose levels, cravings, weight changes, vitamin levels and the regulation of other key hormones.

We explored the implications of how stress in the workplace impacts on all aspect of the employee-employer relationship.

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Employment Law Webinar – Changes to Employment Terms

An employment contract is a legally binding agreement that sets out the terms of employment between the employer and the employee. However, what happens when the employer wants to change one or more of those employment terms? Maybe they are seeking to harmonise employment terms for their employees or perhaps they have some new or emerging business needs that require a change of terms for one or more employees. Whatever the drivers for change, changing employment terms can be fraught with risk….especially if the employee does not agree or consent to those changes!

What does that mean for employers? Are they bound to NEVER change employment terms if the employee doesn’t agree? In short, terms can be changed and though ideally that is with the consent of the employee, it is important to know what to do to when consent cannot be reached. In both situations, the means to achieve a change if terms must be carefully and thoughtfully managed to minimise the risk as far as is possible.

In this Employment Law webinar, “To change or not to change? That is the question”’, we explore how changes to employment terms can be effectively managed and how the proposed new Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Code of Practice for managing ‘dismissal and re-engagement’ when changing terms is going to impact employers.

Useful links we shared during the webinar

Draft Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement

Mr P Burns v Recycled Packaging Ltd: 4103988/2022

A Luengo Garcia v Imperial London Hotels Case No: 2208312/2016

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about any of the details in our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Grievance Resolution – taking the grief out of grievances

Gemma Todd, Senior HR Consultant at Kingswood Group, discussed how introducing a grievance resolution approach to managing workplace Complaints, Concerns and Conflicts (the 3Cs) can support positive culture change and make a difference to the bottom line!

In this webinar, focused on grievance resolution, we discussed:

  • What causes the 3Cs (complaints, concerns or conflicts) in the workplace?
  • What is the financial impact of managing the 3Cs?
  • What is a ‘grievance resolution approach’ and how can it support businesses to manage the 3Cs in a more cost and time efficient way?
  • Grievance Resolution Q&A session



Useful links we shared during the webinar

  1. CIPD (members): Dealing with bullying and workplace conflict: a guide for line managers | CIPD
  2. CIPD Paper: workplace-mediation-transforming-the-culture-of-conflict-management_2015_tcm18-15587.pdf (
  3. Gov.UK: Solve a workplace dispute: Mediation, conciliation and arbitration – GOV.UK (
  4. Acas: Dispute/ Grievance resolution | Acas
  5. NIDirect: Workplace disputes | indirect
  6. HR Direct: Conflict Resolution | Employment Law | HR Solutions (

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Home – HR News, Recruitment & Advice – Past HR Webinars from Kingswood Group – Grievance Resolution – taking the grief out of grievances

Right to Work Webinar

Presented by our Senior HR Consultant, Gemma Todd

In this right to work webinar we discussed:

  • What are the Changes to Right to Work?
  • How do we apply new rules to candidates and new employees?
  • What do we have to do for current employees?
  • What happens if we find out someone doesn’t have the RTW?
  • Q&A session

Useful links we shared during the webinar

1. Employers Checking Service (ECS)

2. Checking a job applicant’s right to work

3. Code of Practice for avoiding discrimination when conducting RTW checks

4. Right to Work checklist

5. Guidance on examining identify documents

6. Passport Check – Home Office guide

7. PRADO – Public Register of Authentic identity and travel Documents Online

Contact Kingswood Group

For a confidential, no obligation discussion about our right to work webinar, please contact us 01245 204450 or email

Home – HR News, Recruitment & Advice – Past HR Webinars from Kingswood Group – Right to Work Webinar

Events – Embracing Change – Menopause Awareness for Employees

Essex Chambers of Commerce are delighted to be partnering with Kingswood Group Ltd on a series of Menopause Awareness sessions.

A first for the Chambers we are excited to be bringing our Members this topical, important and informative webinar that will help you gain the knowledge and insight into how you can work with your employers to create an inclusive and supportive work environment for yourself.

This webinar provides you, as an employee, with valuable insights and practical strategies to support you during menopause.

By acknowledging and accommodating the challenges faced during this life transition, employers can promote employee well-being, boost productivity, and foster a culture of equality and inclusivity within their organisation.

Menopause is a natural stage in every woman’s life that can, for some, have devastating effects on their health and wellbeing. With just over 72% of women at working age (ONS 2023), we can assume many of these women will experience menopause during their working lifetime, so it is essential for employers to understand and address the unique challenges faced by their female employees during this, often, challenging period.

We will look at the common effects of the menopausal period, dispelling some of the more common myths and misconceptions. We will explore how menopause affects each woman differently and how those affects can be addressed effectively and empathetically in the workplace.

This webinar will provide practical guidance to you on how you can work with your employers to create a supportive work environment while experiencing menopause. We will discuss topics such as;

    • flexible work arrangements
    • reasonable adjustments
    • accommodations that can help alleviate symptoms and enhance productivity.

We will focus on the importance of open communication channels, reducing stigma, and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding.

Date: Wednesday 18th October 2023 12.00pm to 1.00pm
Virtual: Zoom Platform
Cost to attend: Members FREE and Non-Members £45.00 + VAT

11.45am – Registration
12.00pm – Welcome from Essex Chambers
12.05pm – Presentation from Kingswood Group
12.45pm – Q&A
1.00pm – Webinar finishes

Please note: This event will not be recorded and any material will only be circulated to those that attend.

Kingswood Group is a leading expert HR and Recruitment Solutions consultancy. We partner with organisations across all industries to provide bespoke Recruitment, HR Outsourcing and HR Consultancy solutions depending to their people needs.

Kingswood Group can provide the expert hr services that you need to ensure compliance with changing employment laws and regulations. It will also enable your business to scale its HR services according to business needs, whether you are expanding or downsizing the workforce. Outsourcing HR can reduce operational expenses associated with maintaining an internal HR department, such as staffing, training, and technology infrastructure.

Visit chamber of commerce website

Talk to a HR professional today 01245 204450